Shown here is coil damage from a pet’s daily business causing a bigger issue over time.
Do You Know Where Your Pet is Marking it’s Territory Daily?
Animal urine can be very harmful to your outdoor A/C unit.

Shown here is a dryer vent placed too closely to the outdoor unit.
Do You Know Where Your Dryer Exhaust Vent is in Relation to Your Outdoor A/C Unit?
Daily we see dryer vents dumping their fluffy exhaust straight onto outdoor A/C or Heat Pump units robbing the unit of proper air flow. This can cause premature damage to the unit & efficiency loss.
A Trim Lawn Looks Great!
Always be sure that lawn clippings are aimed away from your outdoor unit when mowing is done. It helps to keep plants trimmed back and placed away from your unit as well when landscaping. As an extra step, it is a good idea to make sure the unit is not running when mowing, yard work, or other landscaping is being done that will throw debris into the air around your unit. When your unit is running it will attract more debris, which is likely to stick to your coil, because of the direction of air flow it produces.